Thursday, September 27, 2012

Milwaukee Shines Solar Loans

I had the pleasure of sitting in on a webinar about the Milwaukee Shines Solar Loans Program, where folks with Milwaukee Shines and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association discussed the pilot program implemented through the summer of 2012, lessons learned, and upcoming replication of the opportunity.

Milwaukee has been named a US Department of Energy Solar America City, and in 2012 the city became a part of DOE’s Sunspot rooftop solar program. Through the Sunspot Rooftop Solar Program, Milwaukee has promised to reduce the cost of photovoltaic panels, including the permitting process, financing, net metering and interconnection processes and zoning.

To achieve these ends, Milwaukee introduced the solar purchase program, Solar Power Pack (SPP). The goals of the SPP are to
1) Educate customers
2) Create a lower cost for customers
3) Create more jobs and sales leads for local solar industry
4) Create more business for local industry

Read more after the jump for a full summary of the webinar and additional contact information for further follow up!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Water Food Energy Nexus

how water, food and energy are interconnected in a 4 minute video.